spiritual gifts
I've been thinking quite a lot about spiritual gifts lately. How do we know what our spiritual gifts are, when do we discover them, and what do we do with them? Spiritual gifts are our talents given to us by God. If you think about it, really think about it, it's kind of incredible how God has thought about each one of us and examined our lives, gifting us with a talent before we are even conceived. 1 Timothy 4:14 says, We show gratitude for our gifts when we use them. Don't neglect the gift that is within you. Has there ever been a time when you gave someone a present that you thought was a really amazing gift, but whoever you gave it to just kind of brushed past it like it was no big deal? This is how God feels when we don't give him thanks and utilize our spiritual gifts. We use our spiritual gifts to serve both Him and one another.
In my 18 years, I've learned so much about myself. Ever since I could probably talk, I played school as a child. My mother being a third grade teacher most likely had something to do with my fascination with school. I've always admired her absolute devotion to these kids and her hundreds of unpaid hours spent in her classroom. Even more than that I've always been humbled, and sometimes jealous of, the fact that she has 30 other kids to take care of other than her one at home. Whenever I see her with the kids, I'm just like "Wow, I want to impact someone's life like that". I've always wanted to follow in her footsteps. When I was little I had a dry erase board, a jar filled with popsicle sticks with all the "kids" names on them, and I even had a substitute folder for when I was just too busy being a kid to fulfill my role as a teacher. I have always, always, always loved the thought of teaching people something new. I also love taking care of people. Both of these things tie into the spiritual gifts God has so graciously blessed me with- education and encouragement.
Throughout the past year, I've learned something new about myself every day... especially in my walk with God. Last October, I started working in a daycare/preschool that I won't name for the protection of the kids. It changed me more than I ever imagined. Since I started working, my patience has been tested and greatly improved, my understanding of children's behavior has increased, and I have become so attached to quite a few kiddos. My heart is so full thinking about the months I spent with them, and I'm so excited as some of them start their future in grade school. I babysit often and I work at the local elementary school's summer art classes, both of which I enjoy so so much. But nothing has been so eye opening as working with 15-20 one to five year olds.
The innocence and vivid imagination of children never ceases to amaze me; that's something that hasn't, and probably never will, change. Yes, the kids have grown since I started working... and I have, too. It's not always easy to work with kids. But I love discovering all of their learning styles and getting to know them all individually. Their funny stories make my day, and their quirks are something I can't say I'll forget anytime soon. Their makes-no-sense knock knock jokes are my favorite. I love (trying) to make them feel better when they're sad, and it makes me feel like a million bucks when I can make them crack a smile. Thinking back on all of this, I realize that it's not just me teaching the kids. It's them teaching me. Today was my last day of working at the school and although I was so incredibly sad to close that door, I realize another one is opening. And who knows? Maybe I'll run into them in the future (not that they'll remember me... they barely remember me after two weeks). God can be a pretty funny guy.
The point of this wasn't some sappy post about how much I'm going to miss my job (well, kind of), but to stress the importance of utilizing your spiritual gifts. If you don't know what your spiritual gifts are, pray about it. I guarantee God will show you if He hasn't already. And don't forget that not only are your gifts rewarding to use, they are ultimately for His glory.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
The point of this wasn't some sappy post about how much I'm going to miss my job (well, kind of), but to stress the importance of utilizing your spiritual gifts. If you don't know what your spiritual gifts are, pray about it. I guarantee God will show you if He hasn't already. And don't forget that not only are your gifts rewarding to use, they are ultimately for His glory.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17