m a t t h e w 6

By 7:52 PM

     We as humans are often blinded by vanity. What can we say? It comes naturally. Women and teenagers are especially targeted, and being both of these things myself I have experienced this firsthand. Why is this? teenagers are just figuring out what they believe and why they believe these things, and they don't really know who they are. If you're growing up and a beautiful person is up on the television telling you that you have to have perfect skin or full lips just to be pretty through society's eyes, you're going to believe them. Marketers constantly aim towards women for their campaigns because for us, we always want to be presented in the best way possible. These days it's no wonder it's nearly impossible to be self confident and truly comfortable in your own skin. I know; I've been there. I'm there right now.

    This is such a huge roadblock for women to grow in their walk with God. How are we, as Christians, supposed to share the gospel with people we've never met if we're not even comfortable with having a conversation with one of our own peers? I think we all go through a period in time where we struggle with other people's perception of us.
     But honestly- how ungrateful and selfish is that of us? God handcrafted each and every one of us with a special purpose in mind. We look and think and act in such a way that God created for us. If that doesn't make you feel beautiful and loved, you probably need to get your priorities in check.

     What a beautiful picture that has been set up for us in Matthew 6:27-29. How long do we spend preparing ourselves for the day? Too long! Think about wildflowers. They grow naturally with nothing but sunshine and the grace of God, yet they are some of the vibrant and most beautiful things placed on this earth. What if we spent the time we do primping in the mornings thanking God that we have a truly exquisite, functional body- our amazing anatomy that he has blessed us with? Our days would be so much more fruitful, and our lives not cheapened by the vanity that surrounds us.

     One of the main things God reminds us of over and over again is to guard our hearts.

This means that whenever someone is telling you that you should look a different way or that you're not good enough, you tell them that you were made exclusively by your Almighty Creator, and nothing could be better than that.

     It's the least we can do for the one who gave up everything for us. What a humbling thought that is!

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